Scenario 2 - Part 1:

A 54-year-old male, ESKD on maintenance hemodialysis for three years, who underwent parathyroidectomy 12 months ago, was asked to participate in a bone biopsy pilot study, investigating the spectrum of bone histopathological changes in patients who underwent parathyroidectomy through the past twelve months. The patient’s labs are shown in table 1



S. Creatinine

4.1 mg/dL

S. Corrected Calcium

7.9 mg/dL

S. Phosphorus

3.9 mg/dL


97 pg/mL

 The histopathological examination is revealed in figure 1

A- Interpret the above bone specimen.

B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?


  • Muhammad Soobadar

    A – Adynamic Bone Disease

    B – parathyroidectomy

  • Amna Kununa

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen.
    Keeping with ABD: decreased bone formation and resorption and no marrow fibrosis. fluorescent labels showed decreased mineralization

    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?
    Parathyroidectomy results in low bone turnover (hypocellularity and activity)

  • Hagar Ali

    A-hypo cellularity, ow bone volume indicate ABD
    B-total parathyroidectomy lead to low PTH

  • Asma Aljaberi

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen.Hypocellularity, low osteoclasts and osteoblasts activity, no osteoid bone leading to low bone volume. This is indicating that the patient is having low bone turnover- Adynamic bone disorder.

    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?
    Most likely the history of parathyroidectomy leading to low PTH activity leading to hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia and adynamic bone disorder.

  • Mohamed Abdulahi Hassan

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen.LOSS OF OSTEOCLAST OSTEOBLAST
    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?COULD BE CAUSED BY PARATHYROIDECTOMY

  • Mahmoud Sobh

    Model answer by the board:
    A.    Interpret the above bone specimen.
    Low bone volume with paucity of the bone cells are present. Moreover, there is no tetracycline labelling. These findings represent a case with adynamic bone disease.
    B.    What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?

    The patient had a parathyroidectomy 12 months ago and now his PTH level is very low, which contributes to hypoactive bone and low cellularity.

  • Nour Al Natout

    A. Acellular speciment. Disruptive trabecular network.
    B. Adynamic bone disease induced through parathyroidectomy

  • Rania Mahmoud

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen.Reduced numbers of osteoblast and osteoclast, minimal osteoid , decreased mineralization & presence of aluminum rim due to Adynamic bone disease
    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?

    • Secondary to parathyroidectomy,concomitant aluminum toxicity.
    • Post surgical hypoparathyroidism

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen
    Reduced numbers of osteoblast and osteoclast, decreased mineralization this is due to Adynamic bone disease

    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?
    it is secondary to parathyroidectomy

  • Mahmud ISLAM

    The 1st image from the right shows high osteoid, and the 1stphto from the left shows a severe low bone mass (osteoporosis!?). most likely due to parathyroidectomy

  • Asmaa Salih KHUDHUR

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen.

    There is disrupted trabecular network , minimal osteoid
    no osteoblasts or osteoclasts , defective mineralizations and presence of aluminum rim

    What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?
    adynamic bone disease due to parathyroidectomy and concomitant aluminum toxicity.

  • Mahmoud Elsheikh

    • Reduce osteoblast/osteoclast activity.No osteoid formation.
    • Low turnover.

    • post parathyroidectomy
  • Riaan Flooks

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen.

    • It shows reduced osteoblasts and osteoclast

    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?

    • Adynamic bone disease
  • Israa Hammoodi

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen.

    Show discontinus trabeculae with no osteoid, no osteoblast and osteoclast minimal tetracycline labeling suggest Adynamic bone disease
    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?

    Hypoparathyroidism post surgery

  • Ahmed Wagih

    the pathology shows no osteoblasts, or osteofibrosis, no bone marrow fibrosis, minimal osteoid, there is no tetracycline labelling along the bone surface
    all these changes point to adynamic bone disease

    What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology hypoparathyroidism

  • ahmed bhnassi

    Interpret the above bone specimen. scant cells with no osteoblasts or osteoclast activity mostly adynamic bone disease type of ROD
    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?
    Post surgical of near total hypoparathyroidism


    Interpret the above bone specimen.

    • Reduce osteoblast/osteoclast activity.
    • No osteoid formation.
    • Low turnover.

    What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?

    • Bad management post parathyroidectomy; bone hungry syndrome.
    • Total parathyroidectomy with severe PTH deficiency.

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen.absence of cells (Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts): ABD

    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?Post-Parathyroidectomy (PTH is <2x normal) -> hypoparathyroidism

  • Rabab ALaa Eldin keshk Rabab

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen.
    No osteoblasts or osteoclast mostly adynamic bone disease.
    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology? Post surgical hypoparathyroidism

  • Khaldon Rashed Ahmed Moqbil

    A- adynmic bone dis
    b- parathyroidatomy

  • Alaa Abdel Nasser

    No osteoclast , no osteoblast
    no osteoid formation
    low bone volume
    a picture of adynamic bone disease

    Secondary to parathyroidectomy

  • Rihab Elidrisi

    Interpret the above bone specimen.this pictuer showed no bone activity at all with no osteoclast and osteoblast
    no bone cells
    What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?Adynamic bone disease due to hypoparathyroid following parathyroidectomy

  • Emad mohamed mokbel Salem

    – Interpret the above bone specimen.
    no osteoid cell ,no oestoblast ,no osteoclast
    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?adynamic bone disease

  • Ibrahim Omar

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen.

    • Neither osteoblast nor osteoclast activities.
    • low osteoid volume
    • very thin trabeculae

    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?

    • post-parathyroidectomy with relative hypoparathyroidism
  • Ben Lomatayo

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen.

    • No osteoblast
    • No osteoclast
    • No osteoid
    • No mineralization
    • In one word; acellular bone

    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?

    • Adynamic done disease (ABD) induced by surgical parathyroidectomy.
  • Ashraf Ahmed Mahmoud

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen?.

    • activity of the osteoblast and osteoclast is low .
    • low osteoid tissue
    • mineralization is low

    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?

    Adynamic bone disease

  • Weam El Nazer

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen.Low activity of the osteoblast and osteoclast with very low osteoid tissue and low mineralization.
    Adynamic bone disease

    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?Adynamic bone disease post parathyroidectomy

  • Elsayed Ghorab

    the lab. revealed
    trabecular thin interrupted
    osteoid mass decreased
    failure of mineralization

  • Mark Nagy Zaki Amin Mark

    A – decreased number of osteoblasts and osteoclasts with no osteoid tissue and loss of trabecular network pattern…..consistant with ABD with osteoporosis
    B- mostly secondary to parathyroidectomy

  • Abdulrahman Almutawakel

    A- Interpret the above bone specimen.In my opinion this low bone turnover osteomalcia
    B- What is the most likely cause behind the development of this pathology?Mostlikly post parathyroiedectomy

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