
The patient has been started on oral calcium carbonate, Lanthanum, and vitamin D analogue supplements. However, his symptoms are not improving. A repeat PTH three months later was 840 pg/mL and corrected serum calcium was 8.5 mg/dL.

D. What might be the best strategy to control the patient’s condition?

E. Discuss the rationale of parathyroidectomy in this case?




    Strategy to control the condition

    • Optomise dialysis using a large sie dialyzer (Terranova 500).
    • Discontinue calcium-based Pi binder.
    • Start a non-calcium-based Pi binder.
    • Cinacalcet and sevalemer.
    • If still failed to control, subtotal parathyroidectomy is an option.

    Rationale of parathyroidectomy

    • In cases of failed medical treatment, and tertiary hyperparathyroidism, the parathyroid gland becomes nodular with reduced VDR numbers, so the gland becomes hyporesponsive.
    • Surgical treatment is a good option (subtotal parathyroidectomy) as per KDIGO guideline
  • Rania Mahmoud

    D. What might be the best strategy to control the patient’s condition?
    Dietary phosphorus restriction
    – Increased dialysis duration
    – Non Ca based PO4 binders
    – A combination of cinacalcet and calcitriol or synthetic vitamin D.
    E. Discuss the rationale of parathyroidectomy in this case?
    Because iPTH > 800,and if no respond to medical management. specially in presence of persistent hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, bone pain, pruritis or calciphylaxis, parathyroidectomy may be necessary

  • Nihal Bashir

    I think by first you need to adequetly reduce PO4 then use calcium sensing receptor inhitbitors like cinacalcit

    parathyroidectomy may be a cost effective way to recude PTH, but first you need to determine some blood tests, like bone specific alkaline phsophatase, do US for parathyroid gland to decide if there is visible adenoma or diffuse hyperplasia and radioactive studies.


    Combination of
    *Dietary PO4 restriction
    *increased dialysis adequacy
    *Non Ca based PO4 binders
    *VDRAs can be used if the above measures reduce PO4

    there is a good chance that the above medical management may fail because iPTH > 800, and that the Parathyroid gland may already be in the stage of Nodular Hyperplasia and it might not be responsive to Medical management.
    if this is the case Parathyroidectomy may be warranted

  • Asma Aljaberi

    D. What might be the best strategy to control the patient’s condition?
    I would like to take detailed history about how he/she takes Ca carb tabs?, and what is the dose? How much Ca in dialysate? I also would like to know what form of VD analogue he is on; oral or IV. If on oral form, I might change to IV during the dialysis sessions for better compliance. I should maintain Ca in a good level, before I go to next step of starting calcimimetic drug to avoid further suppression of Ca. I prefer starting IV etelacalcitide rather than cinacalcet for better compliance due to less GI side effects.
    E. Discuss the rationale of parathyroidectomy in this case?
    If the above mentioned measures did not work, the patient would definitely need PTX.
    Long duration of Parathyroid gland stimulation would lead to THPT, when the parathyroid gland will secrete autonomously irrespective of Ca level. High level of PTH has a negative impact on both CV system and bones that would lead to vascular calcification and CKD-MBD.

  • Mohamed Abdulahi Hassan

    the best strategy to control the patient’s condition:
    the patient should avoid phosphate dietary products , non calcium phosphate binders and adequate dialysis
    if the PTH remains elevated, parathyroidectomy

  • Areij Alotaibi

    1- control of her diet
    2- adding phosphate binder and vitamin D
    3- Cinacalcet
    4- parathyroid us

    If there is tertiary or autonomous HPT , failure of medical treatment then she need surgery

  • Rola Kotob

    The best strategy to control patient condition
    review his diet restrict phosphate products
    check dialysis filter, duration, adequacy,, extend dialysis duration or use nocturnal HD, keep dialyzate ca 1.25-1,55meq/ml
    the truth i will try to decrease phosphate by non ca containing phophate binder and , avoiding ca containing phosphate binder to avoid vascular or tissue calcification may postpond vit D analogues till correcting phosphate level
    if ca acceptable start calcimimitics if not responding well add vid D analogues

    Radiological assessment for parathyroid gland , if patient has autonomous adenoma or persistent refractory hyperparathyroid with high PTH, and related parameter for 3-6m then patient candidate for parathyroidectomy KDIGO 2017

  • Marwa Alm

    D. After diet control, increasing dialysis time and adequacy, replenish vitamin D stores, active vit D titration, compliance to medications,,, addition af calcimimetics (with dose titration according to responce) +/- aledronate.

    E. Parathyroidectomy if failed medical treatment >6mo, valvular/vascular calcification, or calciphylaxis

  • Elsayed Ghorab

    The best strategy to control the pt. condition
    1-diet control -restrict phosphate rich diet
    2- adequate dialysis
    3- start non ca- phosphorus binding
    4-use cinacalcet as calcimimetic
    f/u and adjust dose every M or 2M
    in no response and decrease PTH < 800pg through 3-6 m
    parathyroidectomy recommended


    D: Reduction of dietary phosphorus, non-calcium phosphate binding agents such as calcimimetic.

    E: Parathyroidectomy is advised after the use of medical treatment such calcimimetics is not responsive for at least 3–6 months or patients permanently maintain PTH levels above 800 pg/ml. 

  • Rabab ALaa Eldin keshk Rabab

    D- the best strategy to control the pt condition low phosphorus diet improve dialysis adquacy non ca phosphate binder calcimimitic
    E- the parathyroidectomy in these case not recommended yet until failure of other lines or intractable symptoms

  • Amna Kununa

    What might be the best strategy to control the patient’s condition?

    Such patients might be better treated with combination therapy of an active vitamin D analog and cinacalcet (PTH > 800).

    • So, I will advise a combination of cinacalcet and calcitriol or synthetic vitamin D.
    • I will start with a small dose
    • Dose adjustments at 4-8 week intervals.
    • Patients who are responsive to therapy typically show significant reductions in PTH levels within the first three to six months of therapy.

    Discuss the rationale of parathyroidectomy in this case?

    • In patients with CKD G3a–G5D with severe hyperparathyroidism who fail to respond to medical/pharmacological therapy, suggest parathyroidectomy. (2B) KDIGO
  • Hagar Ali

    D-diet control ,efficient dialysis .compliance to medication +using of calcimimetics.
    E-parathyroidectomy in case of patient not responding to conventional medication for more than 1 Y

    • Rabab Elrefaey

      Thank you dr Hagar.
      CKD patients with refractory hyperparathyroidism despite intensive medical treatment, specially in presence of persistent hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, bone pain, intractable pruritis or/and calciphylaxis, should be considered for parathyroidectomy.

  • Asmaa Salih KHUDHUR

    What might be the best strategy to control the patient’s condition?
    Low phosphate diet 
    Improve HD by increasing the dose and use high flux filter or HDF.
    P-binders to maximal tolerated dose.
    The association of VDRAs and calcimimetics  has synergistic molecular effects, and also reduces the possibility of adverse effects on calcium and serum phosphate, since the effects of one can counteract the effect of the other. If PTH is drastically reduced to levels associated with low bone turnover, the use of both should be reduced or discontinued.

    Discuss the rationale of parathyroidectomy in this case?
    I think in this case better to give chance to health education and medical treatment before taking decision of Parathyroidectomy .

    In patients with severe secondary hyperparathyroidism who do not respond adequately to these drugs, parathyroidectomy should be considered. Although there is no agreement on the serum levels of PTH to which a parathyroidectomy should be indicated ,the most current practice is to perform a parathyroidectomy if despite an adequate medical treatment for a period of at least 3–6 months, patients perma- nently maintain PTH levels above 800 pg/ml .

  • Israa Hammoodi

    D. Ensure patient compliance, increase dialysis dose, use calcimimetic drugs.
    E. Give a chance for another 3 months if no response so do parathyroidectomy.

    • Rabab Elrefaey

      Thankyou dr Israa.
      CKD patients with refractory hyperparathyroidism despite intensive medical treatment, specially in presence of persistent hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, bone pain, intractable pruritis or/and calciphylaxis, should be considered for parathyroidectomy.

  • Khaldon Rashed Ahmed Moqbil

    D-calcimimetic agents
    E- follow PTH if not response within 6 month for parathyroidectomy

    • Rabab Elrefaey

      Thank you dr Khaldon.
      CKD patients with refractory hyperparathyroidism despite intensive medical treatment, specially in presence of persistent hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, bone pain, intractable pruritis or/and calciphylaxis, should be considered for parathyroidectomy.

  • Mahmoud Elsheikh

    Optimise the patients dialysis adequacy
    Cinacalcet/ vit d analouges
    F/up s. Ca/ph/PTH
    ParathyroidectomyAFTER a trial period with Cinacalcet to monitor PTH response

  • Ahmed Altalawy

    D. What might be the best strategy to control the patient’s condition?
    Best Strategy for this patient will depend mainly on P control through ;
    control diet .
    increase dialysis adequacy ( check HD duration , check dialyzer type and size ) ,
    shift to HDF.
    revise dose of P binder. and increase to Maximum tolerable dose.
    Start cinacalcet with low dose and gradually increase according to patient
    tolerance and monitoring of serum calcium level .
    we can add active Vit D with Cinacalcet after P control .

    E. Discuss the rationale of parathyroidectomy in this case?
    I think in this case better to give chance to health education and medical treatment before taking decision of Parathyroidectomy .

    • Rabab Elrefaey

      Thank you dr Ahmed.
      CKD patients with refractory hyperparathyroidism despite intensive medical treatment, specially in presence of persistent hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, bone pain, intractable pruritis or/and calciphylaxis, should be considered for parathyroidectomy.

  • Ben Lomatayo

    D. What might be the best strategy to control the patient’s condition?

    • First of all we need to confirm that the patient is really taking the drugs because these drugs can be very unpleasant to taste and also they are many (= Poly pharmacy). If the adherent is good then:
    • These findings indicated persistent or severe secondary hyperparathyroidism despite combinations of PO4 binders and vit D
    • The differential of these is either single nodule or nodular gland because both pathologoies are monoclonal proliferation of the parathyroid gland
    • Unfortunately monoclonality is associated with down regulation of CaSR and VDR, and therefore resistant to medical therapy which might be the situation here
    • One can still add calcimimetics such as cincalcet for the next three to six months and monitor him more frequently.
    • If this try fail, then it may best to discuss with the surgical colleagues to consider parathroidecomy

    E. Discuss the rationale of parathyroidectomy in this case?

    • Yes, if this patient did not do well on addition calcimimetics over the next 3 to 6 months as mention above, consideration for parathyroidectomy is reasonable.
  • Alaa Abdel Nasser

    The best strategy to control the patient’s condition:
    1-Diatery phosphate restriction.
    2-Increase dialysis dose either by prescribing prolonged nocturnal hemodialysis or short more frequent hemodialysis (2.5–3.5 h per dialysis session), or using peritoneal dialysis
    3-Start calcimimitics (with smallest doses of calcium containing phosphate binders to avoid associated hypocalcemia)
    4-Use dialysate calcium concentrations between 1.25 and 1.50 mmol/l (2.5 and 3.0 mEq/l
    5- Continue non calcium containing phosphate binders
    6- Although vitamin D analogue or calcitriol increase calcium and suppress PTH BUT it increase phosphorus SO we can reduce dose of it or stop it according to serum phosphorus level

    The most current practice is to perform a parathyroidectomy if despite an adequate medical treatment for a period of at least 3–6 months, patients permanently maintain PTH levels above 800 pg/ml

  • Riaan Flooks

    D: Optimise the patients dialysis adequacy
    Optimise the calcium levels
    Start in Cinacalcet

    E: Parathyroidectomy:
    Is an option for the patient, but give a trial period with Cinacalcet to monitor PTH response

  • Mahmud ISLAM

    I will maximize the dose of D vitamin analogue (10 mcg-15 mcg/3 times at the dialysis session ends). will increase cinacalcet from 30 or 60 (if so) up to 90. Early Thyroidectomy. Despite all measures at a late stage, thyroidectomy may be needed, I will check thyroid UDG or scintigraphy later but not before maximizing the doses. my aim is early management before nodularity ensues)

  • ahmed bhnassi

    Q1: Control po4 is very important and after correction of hypocalcemia we may add cinacalcet starting with low dose with gradual increasing according to PTh level and patients compliance, measuring Vit D level and correction of Vid D insufficiency/deficiency, add cinacalcet alone or with active Vit d analogue may improve patients condition.
    Q2: Parathyroidectomy still option for patients to relife is complain it will depend on serial alkaline phosphatase level, patients symptoms, trend of PTH level, patients compliance to cinacalcet.

  • Nour Al Natout

    D. I will try to use mimpara , or parsabiv after every cession of HD.
    We should check the adequacy of iHD, phosphate level (if normalized or not) , vitamin D level.
    We will gave the patient a chance for 3-6 month, mimpara or parsabiv should be increased to maxmal dosis in this period. If PTH still high then parathyroidectomy is the solution (Question E).This is because parathyroid gland receptors have resistance to medical treatment because of monoclonal/ nodal proliferation.

  • Ashraf Ahmed Mahmoud


    • be sure the adequacy of dialysis is good.
    • -start with Cinacalcet with follow up s.Ca.
    • Q2 do parathyroidectomy if still there is elevated PTH . with of bone pain in spite of use of max dose of cinacalcet.

    • Thanks dr Ashraf.

      The calcium-sensing receptors regulate the secretion of parathyroid hormone. Calcimimetic agents increase the sensitivity of the calcium-sensing receptor to extracellular calcium ions, inhibit the release of parathyroid hormone, and lower parathyroid hormone levels. It is considered more effective than active vitamin D in lowering serum PTH. Using either calcimimetic alone or in combination with calcitriol are effective in lowering PTH level. Furthermore, contrary to vit D analogues, calcimimetics put the patient on a negative calcium and phosphorus balance

  • Weam El Nazer

    D. What might be the best strategy to control the patient’s condition?

    I will recommend Cinacalcet plus Vit-D or/ Vit-D analogous and titrate the dose if the patient can tolerate it until control of PTH(2-9 Time upper limit).

    E. Discuss the rationale of parathyroidectomy in this case?

    If the medical treatment fails to control the PTH.
    There is no consensus about the iPTH level needed to perform a parathyroidectomy.
    we will depend on the persistent elevation of the iPTH in addition to
    Persistent high PO4 or bony pain/itchiness, calciphylaxis.

  • Mark Nagy Zaki Amin Mark

    D- it is advised to use calcimimetics as cinacalcet in this patient after correcting hypocalcemia to act on ca sensing receptors in parathyroid gland to suppress PTH level to the desired target.
    E – parathyroidectomy may have a role if still persistant elevated PTH levels with symptoms of bone pain inspite of use of all lines of ttt including oral calcium , po4 binders , vit D analouges and cinalcet.

  • Emad mohamed mokbel Salem

    Adequate Hd(at least 12 hour session/week)
    Strict control to inorganic phosphate diet
    Add Cinacalcet 30 mg and fu bone profile and PTH

    Parathyroidectomy remains valid especially if cinacalcet and fail to reduce PTH level

    • Great dr Emad.
      CKD patients with refractory hyperparathyroidism despite intensive medical treatment, specially in presence of persistent hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, bone pain, intractable pruritis or/and calciphylaxis, should be considered for parathyroidectomy.

  • Abdulrahman Almutawakel


  • Muhammad Soobadar

    D adding alfacalcidol might be an option to avoid parathryoidectomy. alfacalcidol will increase both calcium and phosphate. might be worth omitting calcium carbonate. cinacalcet could be used but could cause hypocalcaemia

    E If patient is symptomatic despite alfacalcidol it means parathyroidectomy will means no PTH and therefore stop symptoms tho might need to look out for hungry bone syndrome post op and adynamic bone disease. it might help patient anaemia control and make patient fitter for a renal transplant long run

    • Thanks dr Muhammad.
      CKD patients with refractory hyperparathyroidism despite intensive medical treatment, specially in presence of persistent hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, bone pain, intractable pruritis or/and calciphylaxis, should be considered for parathyroidectomy.

  • Ibrahim Omar

    D. What might be the best strategy to control the patient’s condition?

    • more intensive hemodialysis as daily nocturnal hemodialysis with HDF mode.
    • strict adherence to low phosphate diet.
    • adding Cinacalcit or Etacalcitide.

    E. Discuss the rationale of parathyroidectomy in this case?

    • parathyroidectomy is indicated in persistent 2ry hyperparathyroidism after control of serum calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D levels with an absolute value of PTH more than 850 pg/ml
    • it will improve bony pains but there will be a high risk of adynamic bone disease with doubling the risk of bone fractures

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