How Intestinal phosphate absorption pathways could pave the way for novel therapies of phosphate control?

1 Comment

  • Weam El Nazer

    The saturable transcellular and nonsaturable paracellular pathways absorb dietary phosphate in the gut. NaPi2b helps transcellular phosphate absorption. 68 The transcellular route saturates at 6 mg/dl (2 mM/l) in ESKD patients. 67 Gastric volume calculations showed that a typical Western diet’s up to 2500 mg/d phosphate consumption would result in luminal phosphorus concentrations of 55 to 110 mg/dl (18–36 mmol/l).
    Animal and human studies show that paracellular absorption accounts for 65% to 80% of intestinal phosphate absorption, especially at high phosphate concentrations.

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