How Intestinal phosphate absorption pathways could pave the way for novel therapies of phosphate control?
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Weam El Nazer
The saturable transcellular and nonsaturable paracellular pathways absorb dietary phosphate in the gut. NaPi2b helps transcellular phosphate absorption. 68 The transcellular route saturates at 6 mg/dl (2 mM/l) in ESKD patients. 67 Gastric volume calculations showed that a typical Western diet’s up to 2500 mg/d phosphate consumption would result in luminal phosphorus concentrations of 55 to 110 mg/dl (18–36 mmol/l). Animal and human studies show that paracellular absorption accounts for 65% to 80% of intestinal phosphate absorption, especially at high phosphate concentrations.
The saturable transcellular and nonsaturable paracellular pathways absorb dietary phosphate in the gut. NaPi2b helps transcellular phosphate absorption. 68 The transcellular route saturates at 6 mg/dl (2 mM/l) in ESKD patients. 67 Gastric volume calculations showed that a typical Western diet’s up to 2500 mg/d phosphate consumption would result in luminal phosphorus concentrations of 55 to 110 mg/dl (18–36 mmol/l).
Animal and human studies show that paracellular absorption accounts for 65% to 80% of intestinal phosphate absorption, especially at high phosphate concentrations.