Scenario 2 – Part 2: Brain imaging revealed small chronic lacunar infarctions. EEG did not show significant changes. Surface EMG showed dysfunction of lower limb muscles. All other body imaging was unremarkable. Serum magnesium was found to be 6.6 mmol/L and uric acid 7.8 mg/dL. C. What is the most likely cause of the patient’s […]
Scenario 2 – Part 1: A 67-year-old man with CKD presented to the hospital with a history of recurrent syncopal attacks within the past two days. The patient was complaining of chronic constipation, for which he is receiving psyllium 7g daily and magnesium (Mg) oxide 500 mg BID for five months. On examination, the patient […]
Scenario 1 – Part 3: The patient admitted that he was not eating vegetables at all. Instead, his diet was based upon pizza, chips, and soft drinks. E. What might have aggravated the patient’s negative magnesium balance in addition to his diet? F. Suggest a long-term management plan for this patient to prevent future episodes.
Scenario 1 – Part 2: The patient was admitted to the hospital and was given intravenous magnesium sulfate. His serum magnesium levels steadily increased to normal levels. Five days later, the patient was discharged on oral magnesium for one week and was completely pain free. C. Discuss the main mechanisms leading to hypomagnesemia. D. Explain […]
Scenario 1 – Part 1: A 27-year-old male presents with aching in his thighs and weakness of both lower limbs. The patient experienced painful spasmodic contraction of his calf muscles through the past few days. On examination, the patient appeared muscular, but he was unable to walk. He had generalized tenderness in all his skeletal […]
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