FGF-23-klotho is one of the most extensively studied pathways in CKD. Explain its adaptive and mal-adaptive effects on kidney, heart, and parathyroid glands. Wnt-inhibitors play an important role in the kidney-bone-vascular axis. Highlight the presumed effect of sclerostin, a soluble Wnt-inhibitor, on bone and cardiovascular system. Osteocalcin is a calcium-binding bone-matrix protein produced by osteoblasts. […]
According to KDIGO guidelines, what are the 3 components of CKD-MBD? KDIGO changed its recommendations regarding bone biopsy in 2017? What is this change compared to 2009 and what do you think about it? Bone biopsy can give valuable information in CKD; however, it has some limitations. Explain the aforementioned statement. What are abnormalities of […]
According to KDIGO guideline 2017, is performing bone biopsy mandatory before starting anti-osteoporotic medications in patients with CKD? Explain why Bone biopsy could be of a higher value especially to nephrologists. What are the obstacles of performing iliac-crest bone biopsies at large scale? And how do you think we can overcome them? View / Download
Appraise the influence of OPERA & PRIMO trials on KDIGO 2017 guide. Discuss the rationale for needing to establish cut-off targets for safe upper PTH levels in non-dialysis patients. Discuss the value of individualized treatment of SHPT. Discuss extended-release calcifediol (ERC) as a future option for treatment of SHPT. View / Download
Mention the causes of vitamin D deficiency in patients with CKD. Mention the consequences of Vitamin D Deficiency in CKD. Compare the biological effects of novel vitamin D analogous to calcitriol. Discriminate efficacy and safety of Extended-Release Calcifediol from other forms of vitamin D. Explain the reported preliminary effects of SGLT2 inhibitors on CKD-MBD. View […]
What are the contributing factors of osteomalacia? What are the clinical presentation and radiological findings of osteomalacia? What are the bone changes in kidney transplant recipients? Explain the effects of malabsorption on bone. View / Download
Summarize the pathogenesis of adynamic bone disease. What are the detrimental effects of adynamic bone diseases on the patient’s health? What are the characteristic findings in bone biopsy results for diagnosing adynamic bone disease and what are the strengths and drawbacks of bone biopsy in diagnosing renal osteodystrophy? How to diagnose adynamic bone disease in […]
Compare between general population and dialysis patients regarding the source of aluminum in the body and its accumulation. What are the hazards of aluminum intoxication in the dialysis population? According to Chuang et al, what are the explanations of abnormal aluminum levels in the studied patients despite water purification by reverse osmosis? What is the […]
Compare the distribution of ROD types reported in earlier versus recent bone biopsy studies. Explain the pathogenesis and contributing factors of ADB in patients with CKD. Describe changes of bone related parameters with progression of chronic kidney disease. Explain diagnostic and prognostic value of bone biomarkers and imaging techniques in patients with CKD-MBD. View / […]
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